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                Every one has guardian angels.  In fact, you are with your angel right now. Angels are pure beings of divine light who are entirely trustworthy and are always ready to help you. The word Angel means " messenger of God". Angels carry messages between the creator and the created.

                Angels love everyone unconditionally. They look past the surface and see the godliness within us. They focus only on our Divinity and potential and not on our faults. You are safe with angels and can totally trust them.

                Angels are able to heal any condition and they provide us the messages at the right time.


How a Angel Healing session is carried at PCTC?

                At PCTC, we perform angel healing and angel card readings. We have many angel cards ranging from archangel (Raphael, Michael) cards to fairies, goddess and Ascended masters cards. We also do card reading to determine which element in your body(fire, water, air, earth, sky) is lacking and what you need to replenish.

                For Angel healing, a connection is made through our angel to the person's angel and the healing is performed. The session takes about 30 minutes. Angel Card reading provides answers to all you queries. Just ask the question in your mind and you will get the answer.

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