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Crystal Healing is a powerful modality. Crystals are tools for natural healing which can be used to accelerate the healing. Crystals are devices to adjust and balance these systems. The essence of the body is energy. Crystals function as transformers and amplifiers of various energies into biological energies that rebalance and re-energize our biological system on the cellular level as well as on our emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The primice on which this biological transfer of energy is based is that the body is a series of synchronous, oscillating, solid and liquid crystal systems to which our crystal healing techniques are able to transfer energy directly as from one crystal to another. This transfer of energy aids the system in attaining a certain functional strength in which it can regenerate and balance itself and then maintain the balance.


How a crystal healing session is carried out at PCTC?

                    At PCTC,  firstly the aura is cleaned through crystals. Thereafter, the chakras are cleaned and charged. Then the crystals are given to the person's hands and the energy is transferred from our crystals to theirs. Then normal reiki healing is given. The session lasts for about 30 minutes.

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