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Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc. This is possible using tools, the body or using intuition or paranormal abilities. Dowsing with a pendulum, rod or other instrument is a type of divination. What is perceived about the hidden comes from the subconsciousness of a person.


Dowsing is often used for the search of hidden things like water or metals. The search for water (with especially a dowsing rod) is also called 'water witching'. Nowadays it is often used for tracking down leylines and earth rays. Dowsing is an ancient art. It has been used in Egypt, and many other countries.


Other words for dowsing are: divining or divination, doodlebugging, and radiesthesia. The French use the word sourcier for finding the invisible. Someone who is practicing this ancient art, is called a dowser or a diviner.


How dowsing is done at PCTC?

                    We have pendulums, crystals, L-Rods at PCTC. The person asking for dowsing puts up his question and the answer is provided by using the tools mentioned. You can find answer to almost any question ranging from finding lost objects to personal questions.

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