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Kundalini Yoga is a systematic training to bring about tranquillity, increased sense of awareness, clarity and strengthening of mind. When the mind is awake, it works at 14-40 cycles/second. At this stage, mind works at Beta level. When mind is disturbed by the emotional moods of anger, greed, miserliness, sexual passion, jealousy and vengeance, the mental frequency increases. Decisions taken at increased level of frequency cause pain and miseries to self as well as others. The lower frequencies are generally reached when one is sleeping. 

              During different levels of meditation, the mind reaches, alpha, theta and delta levels. When these levels are reached, the mind is wide awake and there is tremendous effect on mind.  By sincere practice of meditation, the senses are controlled by our mind and we do all actions with constant awareness.


How Kundalini yoga is taught at PCTC? 

               It is a well-known fact that healthy mind lies in healthy body. Therefore, it is very necessary to prepare the body. Therefore, first simplified yoga is taught to prepare the body. After 4 weeks of physical training, initiation is given into Kundalini Yoga system. And the process of initiation into different levels is carried for next 2 weeks. Thus, the whole process lasts for 6 weeks. After the process is completed, you will be guided how to carry out everything at home and reach higher levels of consciousness.

               When one masters the art of kundalini yoga, Kaya Kalp Deeksha is given which vitalizes you body and centralizes your life force energy which is a key to stay young forever.

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