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For the first time in Rajasthan......
Introducing two great therapies which can be called the REAL PANACEA!!!!

PCTC has brought  new therapies in Rajasthan which can cure almost any disease in less amount of time....and Guess What??? You only have to take 1 session per week....Thus, gives you freedom from visiting clinic daily and saves your time and money!!! Take a look at new Therapies...

Alignment of Spine

Most of the problems related to our health are caused by structural misalignments of spine....If these misalignments are corrected then almost any type of disease can be easily cured.....

Therefore, We are introducing Dorn Therapy in Rajasthan learnt from International Dorn forum, Germany which provides wholistic Healing of Mind, Body and spirit...

No Medication!!!!!

No Surgery!!!!

Most Effective!!!!

& Totally Safe!!!!

Easily get Rid of Sciatica, Back Pains, Scoliosis, Migraine, Different leg lengths, Joint Pains, Migraines, Sinus, Eye troubles, Deafness, Toothache, Neuralagia, Cramps, Hoarseness, Laryngitis, Tonsilitis, Goitre, Depression, Fear, Shoulder Pain, Heart problems, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pluerisy, Gall Bladder Stones, Anaemia, Arthritis, Digestion Problems, Diabetes, Ulcers, Allergies, Kidney Problems, Skin Diseases, Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Constipation, Varicose Veins, Menstruation Troubles, Abdominal Problems, Haemorrhoids...

These were a few to name...In fact this therapy is a boon to the world as it has the capacity to cure almost any type of disease...


A unique science of stimulating reflexes of the foot, hand and ear corresponding to each organ, gland and  part of the body....


In due course of time, people have lost its medicinal usage and today it is being dealt as massage....Reflexology is NOT MASSAGE..It focusses on relaxation of reflexes through  manipulation to reduce stress and eliminate blockages. It is the science of applying perfect pressure to the corresponding organ.


With reflexology, one can easily get rid of Headaches, Migraine, Cerebral haemorrhage, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Sinusitis, Eyes and Ear Disorders, Spine, Shoulder, Neck, Hip, Knees, Elbows related disorders, Rheumatism, Male and female problems(Prostrate, Menstruation problems, Menopause), Circulatory problems, Constipation, Hernia, Colitis, Gall Bladder stones, Kidney Stones, Bladder problems etc...


A technique learnt from National Institute of Refloxology who have revived this ancient art from Phillipines and PCTC has brought it to Rajasthan to help people.


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