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Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that enables everyone to tap into this unlimited flow of 'LIFEFORCE ENERGY ' to improve one's health and enhance the quality of one's life.

              A treatment that gives a feeling of a wonderful radiant energy flowing through you and enveloping you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. It is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self- improvement for everyone.


How a session is carried at PCTC?

               At PCTC, a reiki healing session lasts for about 40-50 minutes in which aura would be sweeped first then hands would be kept on major organs and chakras of the body. Thereafter, spot healing would be given where the problem actually is.

               In Chakra Balancing, the session is carried by cleaning the aura first, then the chakras are cleant and charged. The rapid healing technique is applied and major organs are treated. Then sealing of the energy is done.

               In Distance healing, the same procedure is applied.

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