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             The attunement is a sacred spiritual initiation that connects the initiate with higher levels of consciousness and the unlimited source of healing energy. It opens the crown, heart and palm chakras for the use in channeling. It is a gift which directly comes from the highest spiritual source and as such should be treated with the greatest respect. It is unique in that there are no requirements of spiritual purification necessary in order for it to work and in order for a person to receive the attunements.


At PCTC, we offer following special attunements:

1. For a child poor in studies.

2. For emotional traumas

3. For prosperity

4. For relationship problems

5. For memory power

6. For mental peace

7. For harmonizing mind, body and soul.

8. For Karma clearance


Any person can ask for these special attunements and they would be channeled for particular attribute. There is no pre-requisite to it.

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